Mikael Lönn
Born: 1949
Nationality: Swedish
Education and professional experience: Mikael is a M.Sc. and physician with extensive experience as a business leader and entrepreneur, primarily in the healthcare sector. He has extensive experience in financial investments and solid experience from advising and actively engaging with the board of directors in a number of start-up and growth companies as well as experience from large county council and municipal-owned organizations.
Other assignments: Today, Mikael has board assignments in several companies, including Chairman of the Board of Wingspan Company Culture AB, Dentalum Operations AB and Dentalum Group AB and Board member of Genovis AB (publ), Oxlantic Medical AB, Redeye AB/Redhold AB, Vasa Angels 1 AB, Mikael Lönn AB, Professional Corporate Governance in Sweden AB, Professional Corporate Governance PÄAB ll, and Collabodoc AB.
Independent: Mikael has been a shareholder in Annexin Pharmaceuticals since 2016. Mikael is not independent in relation to the company, its management or major shareholders. Mikael Lönn is the largest shareholder with 26.0 percent ownership in Annexin Pharmaceuticals AB.
Shareholding in the Company: 138 405 749 shares